Posts from June 2021.
Free Britney!?: The Conservatorship of Britney Spears

Free Britney!?: The Conservatorship of Britney Spears

From Michael Jackson, to Prince, to Whitney Houston… the death of a famous musician often triggers an interesting probate court case. As the world is now learning, we can also find interesting probate stories about our living pop stars.

Earlier this year, Hulu streamed a documentary by the New York Times: Framing Britney Spears. In case you weren’t paying attention in the late 90s and early-aughts, Britney Spears is a very famous and successful pop star – rising to national fame at only 16 years old. What many people did not ... Read More ›

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

June 15th is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Older people throughout the United States lose an estimated $2.6 billion or more annually due to elder financial abuse and exploitation. Elder abuse also creates health care and legal costs for our society. 

Our Estates and Trusts Practice Group is committed to providing compassionate and efficient legal service to elderly individuals and their families.

We are pleased to provide these resources to proactively avoid and protect yourself and your loved ones against elder financial exploitation.


Ohio Probate Law Journal Article May/June 2021

Adam Fried, Adriann McGee, and Mary Kraft co-authored "Filo v. Filo: An Illustration Of The Mechanics Of The Rebuttable Presumption Of Undue Influence And Jury Instructions" for the Probate Law Journal of Ohio.

While the presumption exists to make it easier to prove undue influence claims, it should be remembered that the same facts used to rebut the presumption can also demonstrate to a jury that undue influence was not exercised. This article explores the mechanics of the presumption through the case recently decided by the 12th District Court of Appeals in Filo v. Filo.

Reprinted ... Read More ›

E-Book: Should I Challenge My Inheritance?

In our new e-book, Should I Challenge My Inheritance?, Adam Fried reviews the key considerations to make when deciding to dispute your

Read the online publication here: Should I Challenge My Inheritance? 

Download the e-book here: Should I Challenge My Inheritance?Read More ›

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