• Posts by Brittany Kaczmarczyk

    Brittany Kaczmarczyk practices in the Reminger Co., LPA’s Cleveland office, where she focuses her practice on estate, trust, and probate litigation, and trust and estate administration.

    Brittany first joined Reminger in 2021 ...

Jessica Forrest and Brittany Kaczmarczyk Secure Unanimous Jury Verdict for Trust Beneficiaries

Jessica Forrest and Brittany Kaczmarczyk earned a unanimous jury verdict and an award of $110,000, plus attorney fees, on behalf of their clients—four beneficiaries of a trust who learned their trustee had hired her husband as a “consultant” to the trust. We sued for breach of fiduciary duty and related claims.

While an early settlement was an option, the Defendants instead opted for an aggressive litigation approach, involving excessive discovery and threats to use the trust’s no-contest clause to disinherit beneficiaries simply for seeking clarity on trust expenses ... Read More ›

Analysis of the Amendments to Ohio Rule of Superintendence Rule 66

Adam Fried, with help from Brittany Kaczmarczyk, authored Analysis of the "Amendments to Ohio Rule of Superintendence Rule 66" for the Probate Law Journal of Ohio. Read the article here.

Reprinted from Probate Law Journal of Ohio available in print and on Westlaw with permission from Thomson Reuters. Copyright © 2023. Further use without permission of Thomson Reuters is prohibited. For further information about this publication, please visit https://store.legal.thomsonreuters.com/law-products/Newsletter/Probate-Law-Journal-of-Ohio/p/100028597Read More ›

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