Your resource for probate dispute matters.

Reminger's seasoned team of Estate and Trust litigators routinely handles disputes that involve probate, estate and guardianship matters. Learn more about the complex arena of probate, trust, and estate litigation by reading our blog posts, legal insights, law updates, representative cases, resources, and more.

Adam M. Fried Presents at The Marvin R. Pliskin Advanced Probate and Estate Planning Seminar

Adam M. Fried recently presented at The Marvin R. Pliskin Advanced Probate and Estate Planning Seminar, sponsored by the Ohio State Bar Association's Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Section. More than 250 attorneys from across the state of Ohio attended the full-day Continuing Legal Education course.Read More ›

Paul R. Shugar to Present at 2018 Ohio Guardianship Association's 13th Annual Education Conference

Reminger Co., LPA is pleased to announce that Paul R. Shugar will be presenting at the 2018 Ohio Guardianship Association's 13th Annual Education Conference alongside attorney Kathryn Joseph on “Invasion of Independence in Guardianship: A Case Study. Lessons from the Case Involving the Exploitation of Dr. Charles Sifford.”Read More ›

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

The United Nations General Assembly has designated June 15th as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD). The event was established in order to put a global focus on the physical, emotional, and financial abuse of the older population. The goal is to help communities to recognize the signs of elder abuse and for governments to create policies to help protect the elderly from this type of behavior.Read More ›

Trustees Beware: The Fiduciary Exception to the Attorney Client Privilege and the Duty of Impartiality

Adam Fried will be presenting "Trustees Beware: The Fiduciary Exception to the Attorney Client Privilege and the Duty of Impartiality," at the Jewish Federation Council of Cleveland Professional Advisory Council's 46th Charitable Tax Seminar, held on Wednesday, June 6, 2018.Read More ›

An Overview of How to Use Electronic Discovery in Probate Litigation

Paul Shugar will be presenting "Don't Text and Unduly Influence: An Overview of How to Use Electronic Discovery in Probate Litigation" at the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association's Estate Planning, Probate & Trust Law Section Meeting and CLE, held on Tuesday, May 15, 2018.  Read More ›

Top Personal Representative Mistakes in Handling Distributions

Paul Shugar will be presenting "Top Personal Representative Mistakes in Handling Distributions" via a live teleconference in connection with National Business Institute on Tuesday, May 22, 2018 from 2 pm to 3:30 PM EST. Content covered includes:Read More ›

Adam M. Fried to be Featured on NPR's 90.3 WCPN "Sound of Ideas" Program on National Healthcare Decisions Day

Adam Fried is participating on a panel on NPR's "Sound of Ideas" program, broadcast on April 16th on 90.3 WCPN FM in Cleveland. The topic is "National Healthcare Decisions Day." Read More ›

Adam M. Fried to Present at Dayton Bar Association's 2018 Probate Law Institute CLE on March 9th

Adam M. Fried will be presenting "Erosion of Attorney-Client Privilege: Fiduciary Exception," at the Dayton Bar Association's 2018 Probate Law Institute. 

Fried's presentation is is part of a full-day 6.0 Continuing Legal Education program. The CLE will be held on March 9th from 8:30 am to 4:15 pm at Sinclair Community College, Building 12.Read More ›

Adam Fried and Franklin Malemud to Serve on National CLE Webinar Panel Addressing Trust and Probate Challenges

Adam M. Fried and Franklin C. Malemud have been invited to participate on a panel for an upcoming CLE webinar hosted by Strafford. Entitled "Trust and Probate Challenges: Minimizing and Litigating Claims of Undue Influence, Fraud, Capacity and Mistakes," this webinar will be held on Thursday, January 18th from 1 pm-2:30 pm EST. The format will offer an interactive Q&A session as well.Read More ›

Adam M. Fried Invited to Present on Attorney-Client Privilege at Upcoming Ohio State Bar Association Webinar 

Trustees Under Attack Through the Erosion of the Attorney Client Privilege: Recent Case Law Development and the Fiduciary Exception to the Attorney Client Privilege  

Ohio State Bar Association "Quick Webcast" Program

December 13, 1:00 PM EST

1.0 CLE hour / 1.0 Professional Conduct hour 

The attorney client relationship between trustees, executors and their attorneys can be complicated. The relationship is more complex when disputes develop and claims are raised against the fiduciary. From the pitfalls of conflicts of interests as identified in Cincinnati Bar Association v. Robertson to the question as to whom the attorney owes a duty when representing a fiduciary who, in turn, owes duties to the beneficiaries will be discussed in this one-hour program.Read More ›

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