Your resource for probate dispute matters.

Reminger's seasoned team of Estate and Trust litigators routinely handles disputes that involve probate, estate and guardianship matters. Learn more about the complex arena of probate, trust, and estate litigation by reading our blog posts, legal insights, law updates, representative cases, resources, and more.

Ohio Courts to Estate Creditors: We REALLY Mean Six Months!

As we have covered in our blog before, Ohio courts have been very clear: estate creditor’s must present their claims within 6 months of the decedent’s date of death. R.C. 2117.06. This has not stopped creditors, however, from arguing that they should be the exception to the bright-line rule. Their attempts continue to fail. The newest creative creditor arguments went up on appeal to the Ninth District and were batted right back down.

The matter of Saber Healthcare dba Bath Manor Nursing Facility v. David P. Hudgins, 2020-Ohio-5603, was argued on December 1, 2020… and just eight ... Read More ›

Should I Challenge My Inheritance? Part Four: Economic Considerations of Inheritance Dispute

Join Adam Fried, co-chair of Reminger’s Estate, Trust, and Probate Litigation practice group, for a five-part blog series exploring what makes for a good case or bad case to challenge inheritance rights. To read the full e-book, click here.

In part three, we reviewed red flags which can increase the likelihood of success in a challenged inheritance claim. Now, I will describe the economic considerations that go into a decision as to whether a claim of undue influence should be pursued.

Part 4 - Economic Considerations of Inheritance Dispute

In your heart, you believe your parent ... Read More ›

Should I Challenge My Inheritance? Part Three: Red Flags and The Misuse of Trust

Join Adam Fried, co-chair of Reminger’s Estate, Trust, and Probate Litigation practice group, for a five-part blog series exploring what makes for a good case or bad case to challenge inheritance rights. To read the full e-book, click here.

In part two, we looked at the problems with proof in establishing or defending against an undue influence claim. Now, we will review red flags, the existence of which can increase the likelihood of success in a challenged inheritance claim.

Part 3 - Red Flags and the Misuse of Trust

  1. Is the beneficiary a person in the trust or confidence of the donor? A ...
Should I Challenge My Inheritance? Part Two: The Problems with Proof

Join Adam Fried, co-chair of Reminger’s Estate, Trust, and Probate Litigation practice group, for a five-part blog series exploring what makes for a good case or bad case to challenge inheritance rights. To read the full e-book, click here.

In part one, we reviewed the elements of undue influence and discussed character and credibility of the potential challenger. Now, we will look at the problems with proof in establishing or defending against an undue influence claim.  

Part Two – The Problems with Proof 

Proving bad conduct, sufficient to overturn a will, is not always easy.  Most ... Read More ›

Should I Challenge My Inheritance? Part One: Disappointment, Disinheritance and Disputes – What Should I Do?

Join Adam Fried, co-chair of Reminger’s Estate, Trust, and Probate Litigation practice group, for a five-part blog series exploring what makes for a good case or bad case to challenge inheritance rights. To read the full e-book, click here.

Series Overview:

  • Part One – Disappointment, Disinheritance and Disputes – What Should I Do?
  • Part Two – The Problems with Proof
  • Part Three – Red Flags and The Misuse of Trust
  • Part Four – Economic Considerations of Inheritance Dispute
  • Part Five – What to Consider When Selecting Counsel

Part One – Disappointment, Disinheritance and ... Read More ›

No Exceptions: Ohio Supreme Court Holds that Voiding Statute Applies to all Wills Admitted to Probate

Today the Ohio Supreme Court reversed a Sixth District Court of Appeals decision that held Ohio’s “harmless error statute” permitted a witness to a will to inherit under that will. The Supreme Court accepted jurisdiction on the question of the applicability of R.C. 2107.15 voiding provisions, which prohibit a witness to a will from taking more than his or her intestate share under the will. The Supreme Court held that the voiding provision of R.C. 2107.15 “applies equally to essential witnesses to both formally compliant and remediated wills.”

The unique set of facts that ... Read More ›

FINRA Adopts Rule 3241 to Address the Ability of Associated Persons to be Named as Beneficiaries of or Executors, Trustees or Attorneys-in-Fact for Customers

On October 29, 2020 FINRA issued Regulatory Notice 20-38 announcing that Rule 3241 has been adopted in order to limit the ability of licensed personnel of FINRA member firms to be named as a beneficiary, executor, trustee of or have power of attorney for or on behalf of a customer.  In pertinent part, Rule 3241 provides as follows:

  • Registered personnel shall decline being named as a beneficiary of a customer’s estate (or receiving a bequest from a customer’s estate upon learning he/she was named as a beneficiary) unless (1) the customer is a member of the registered person’s ...
FINRA Adopts Rule 3241 to Address the Ability of Associated Persons to be Named as Beneficiaries of or Executors, Trustees or Attorneys-in-Fact for Customers

On October 29, 2020 FINRA issued Regulatory Notice 20-38 announcing that Rule 3241 has been adopted in order to limit the ability of licensed personnel of FINRA member firms to be named as a beneficiary, executor, trustee of or have power of attorney for or on behalf of a customer.  In pertinent part, Rule 3241 provides as follows:

  • Registered personnel shall decline being named as a beneficiary of a customer’s estate (or receiving a bequest from a customer’s estate upon learning he/she was named as a beneficiary) unless (1) the customer is a member of the registered person’s ...
Reminger's Estates and Trusts Groups Ranked by U.S. News – Best Lawyers® “Best Law Firms” in 2021

Reminger Co., LPA has been ranked in the 2021 “Best Law Firms” list by U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers®.  Reminger had multiple practice groups ranked, including Cleveland Metropolitan Tier 1 Rankings for Litigation-Trusts & Estates , Elder Law, and Trusts & Estates Law. Firms included in the 2021 Edition of U.S. News – Best Lawyers "Best Law Firms" are recognized for professional excellence with consistently impressive ratings from clients and peers. To be eligible for a ranking, a firm must first have a lawyer recognized in The Best Lawyers in ... Read More ›

Beneficiary Designation Dispute Based on Recent Dementia Diagnosis Not Enough to Invalidate Beneficiary Designation for Lack of Capacity

A last will and testament is one way that a person can transfer assets upon death. That only applies to probate assets; that is, assets that are held in the name of the decedent only upon his or her death, or assets that are payable to his or her estate. It is becoming more common for people to own assets, such as life insurance, retirement accounts, and annuities, that can have beneficiary designations. You have probably heard about will contests and challenging wills. Did you know that you can also challenge beneficiary designations? And did you know that same reasons to set aside a ... Read More ›

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