13 Reminger Estate & Trust Attorneys Recognized in 2024 Edition of Best Lawyers in America

Reminger Co., LPA is pleased to announce that 13 of our Trusts and Estates lawyers have been included in the 2024 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America®. Lawyers on The Best Lawyers in America® list are reviewed by their peers on the basis of professional expertise and undergo an authentication process to make sure they are in current practice and in good standing.
Best Lawyers
- Adam M. Fried - Elder Law, Litigation - Trusts and Estates, Trusts and Estates
- Allison M. McMeechan - Elder Law, Trusts and Estates
- Barbara Bellin Janovitz - Elder Law, Trusts and Estates
- Jessica Forrest - Litigation - Trusts and Estates, Trusts and Estates
- Robert A. West, Jr. - Litigation - Trusts and Estates
- Russell J. Meraglio, Jr. - Litigation - Trusts and Estates, Trusts and Estates
- Timothy J. Gallagher - Litigation - Trusts and Estates, Trusts and Estates
Ones to Watch
- Brittany Kaczmarczyk - Litigation - Trusts and Estates
- Joclene Vanik - Trusts and Estates
- Mary Kraft - Litigation - Trusts and Estates
- Nicholas Sebastiano - Litigation - Trusts and Estates
- Paul R. Shugar - Litigation - Trusts and Estates
- Taylor Smoske - Litigation - Trusts and Estates
Recent Posts
- DeMooy, Forrest, and Shugar Publish Articles in the January/February 2025 Edition of Ohio Probate Law Journal
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- Jessica Forrest and Brittany Kaczmarczyk Secure Unanimous Jury Verdict for Trust Beneficiaries
- Breach of Fiduciary Duty: A Growing Source of Probate Litigation
- 13 Reminger Estate & Trust Attorneys Recognized in 2025 Edition of Best Lawyers in America
- Jessica Forrest Appointed Akron Bar Association Vice President of Membership
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- Adam Fried Provides Testimony Opposing Ohio HB 172
- Welcome, Michael Brody!