Kelly Ratliff provided four presentations at the International Society of Explosives Engineers Conference.

The first presentation was a summary of a white paper that Kelly co-authored with Travis Davidsavor (Barr Engineering), Dr. Cathy Aimone-Martin (Aimone-Martin Associates), and Ralph Burnham (Lancer) titled, “Paper or Electronic Records – Ways to Improve Blast Documentation and Recordkeeping.” This white paper will also be published in an upcoming publication of the ISEE Journal.

The second presentation was titled “A Blaster’s Guide to Complaints: From Beginning to End,” which I co-presented with Ralph. The third and fourth presentations were two separate two-hour workshops on “Improving Blast Documentation and Recordkeeping,” which Kelly co-presented with Travis and Ralph and expanded on the white paper we authored.

The presentations also included numerous exercises that the attendees (owners, blasters, managers, regulators) were asked to perform. The presentations provided an overview of common errors we observe in blast records, the consequences of those errors, and provided recommendations for improving record keeping. They also provided an overview of recommendations for receiving, investigating, and defending blasting complaints. Blasters who attended the workshops obtained continuing education credits accepted by most states.

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