Your resource for probate dispute matters.

Reminger's seasoned team of Estate and Trust litigators routinely handles disputes that involve probate, estate and guardianship matters. Learn more about the complex arena of probate, trust, and estate litigation by reading our blog posts, legal insights, law updates, representative cases, resources, and more.

Understanding Disinheritance: The Structure of an Ohio Post Mortem Dispute

Great wealth, in the trillions of dollars, will be transferred from one generation to the next as our population ages.  While most estates proceed as intended, there will always be greed and dysfunction among a small percentage of American families; so much so, that business for attorneys skilled in the pursuit or defense of estate disputes will be plentiful, as the number of disputes centered on challenges over the rights to a decedent’s assets will explode in the years to come. Read More ›

The Emotional Charge of Guardianship: a Point of View from an Independent Guardian

A parent of young children feels incredible stress and sadness when their children fight.  When healthy, the parent is capable of breaking up the fight or at least standing in between to force peace or at least stave off war.  But when parents age and their ability to take care of themselves diminishes, the power shifts.  Read More ›

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