Reminger Obtains Defense Verdict in Medical Malpractice Case
Reminger attorneys Thomas Kilbane and Nick Siciliano obtained defense verdicts for a Radiologist, General Surgeon, and Hospital System in a medical malpractice claim.
Plaintiff experienced groin pain and was referred to our clients for evaluation and treatment. Our Radiologist client performed a dynamic ultrasound and diagnosed the plaintiff with bilateral femoral hernias and a sports hernia/core muscle injury. Our General Surgeon client then performed a laparoscopic hernia repair with mesh and tacks after obtaining plaintiff’s consent. Post operatively, plaintiff reported severe chronic pain due to the tacks and mesh. Over the next four years, plaintiff had three surgeries to remove the tacks and mesh.
Plaintiff alleged a lack of informed consent, and that our clients misdiagnosed the hernias, performed the wrong surgery, and improperly performed the surgery. Additionally, plaintiff’s husband made a claim for loss of consortium.
After six days of trial, the plaintiff asked the jury to return a verdict in excess of $500,000. After 45 minutes of deliberation, the jury returned defense verdicts in favor of all three of our clients.