Thorough Preparation. Aggressive Representation.
Reminger is a leader in the area of medical malpractice and hospital defense. With dozens of trial attorneys located in offices throughout the Midwest, Reminger is dedicated to the defense of physicians, hospitals, nurses, nursing homes and ancillary service providers in virtually every area of the healing arts.
Reminger is engaged by malpractice insurance carriers across the country. Our years of experience, vast understanding of the law and success in the courtroom make us a sound choice for matters involving litigation.
Our attorneys have the benefit of a team of legal nurse consultants that contributes to Reminger having the broadest experience in medical malpractice defense. Our approach includes:
- Pursuing all avenues of early dismissal
- Preparing witnesses thoroughly
- Retaining meaningful and appropriate medical experts
- Implementing effective and creative trial strategies utilizing our team of proven and experienced medical malpractice defense lawyers
Honors & Recognitions
Reminger’s Medical Malpractice Group was ranked by U.S. News - Best Lawyers® “Best Law Firms” as Metropolitan Akron, Cleveland, Dayton, Columbus and Toledo Tier 1 and Indianapolis and Cincinnati Tier 2 for 2025.
Medical Malpractice Co-Chair, William Meadows has been honored as Best Lawyers "Lawyer of the Year" for Medical Malpractice Law – Defendants in 2016 and 2021. Practice Group member Thomas Prislipsky was named Best Lawyers 2023 Lawyer of the Year - Akron for Medical Malpractice Law – Defendants.
Representative Clients
Hospitals and Medical Facilities: Bon Secours Mercy Health, Children’s Hospital of Akron, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation and its affiliated hospitals, Dayton Children’s Hospital, Elyria Memorial, Firelands Hospital, Kettering Health Network , MetroHealth Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Premier Health Select Specialty Hospital, Summa Health System, TeamHealth, Trinity Health, University Hospital of Cleveland and its affiliated hospitals, University of Cincinnati Medical Center, US Acute Care Solutions
Insurance Carriers/TPAs: AIG, Chubb, Coverys, CNA Insurance, IronHealth / IronShore Management, Nationwide Insurance, NORCAL Insurance Group/Medicus Insurance, OHA Insurance, Ophthalmic Mutual Insurance Company, PICA, ProAssurance, Professional Solutions Insurance Company, The Doctors Company, The Medical Protective Company, Western Litigation, Inc., Zurich Insurance
- Jan 17, 2025, Defense VerdictLake County, Indiana
Defense verdict secured in favor of a chiropractor.
- Dec 19, 2024, Defense VerdictCuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas
Secured a unanimous defense verdict in favor of an emergency medicine doctor. The case involved a 17-year-old patient with Down Syndrome who passed away after presenting to the ER with respiratory difficulties and behavioral changes. The plaintiff claimed negligence in providing life saving supportive care and ventilation, attributing the patient’s death to anoxic brain injury rather than pneumonia, ARDS, and sepsis. After a 10-day trial, the jury returned a unanimous verdict in favor of our client.
- Nov 21, 2024, Defense VerdictPickaway
Secured a unanimous defense verdict in a medical malpractice wrongful death case.
- Oct 16, 2024, Defense VerdictMahoning County Court, Ohio
Obtained defense verdict in favor of a radiologist in a case involving an alleged negligent interpretation of a chest CT scan.
- Oct 7, 2024, Defense VerdictLorain County Court, Ohio
Secured a defense verdict for an OB/GYN in a case involving multiple claims of medical negligence, lack of informed consent, battery, and punitive damages.
- Oct 4, 2024, Defense VerdictFranklin County Court, Ohio
Secured a unanimous defense verdict for a foot and ankle orthopedic surgeon in a case involving an ankle fusion surgery.
- Sep 27, 2024, Decision AffirmedSixth District Court of Appeals, from the Lucas County Court of Common Pleas
Sixth District unanimously affirmed jury trial verdict in favor of physicians and overruled objections as to alleged hearsay evidence and cumulative errors in 63-page opinion.
- Sep 11, 2024, Summary Judgment AffirmedIndiana Court of Appeals
Plaintiff was hospitalized for approximately six weeks in 2021 after becoming infected with COVID-19 and suffering severe complications from the virus. During his hospitalization, which required immobilization and use of a ventilator, the Plaintiff developed a severe pressure injury on his buttocks. As a result, he alleged that he received negligent medical care and treatment from his numerous medical providers. However, the trial court, and the Indiana Court of Appeals, determined that the medical providers were immune from liability under both Indiana and federal statutes because Plaintiff was receiving certain medical treatment in response to, arising from, or related to the Covid-19 public health emergency.
- Aug 20, 2024U.S. District Court of Indiana, Northern District
Plaintiff sued our client, a contract optometrist, for the Indiana Department of Correction, for delaying treatment of his eye infection and getting him prescription eyeglasses in violation of the Eighth Amendment. Without eyeglasses, Plaintiff is legally blind. While Plaintiff did have an eye infection at one point, any evidence that the doctor knew about it was deemed inadmissible and thus there is nothing he could have done about it. Similarly, while there was delay in getting him eyeglasses, it was established that the doctor was only involved in preparing the prescription as opposed to order and procuring the eyeglasses. The Court granted summary judgment to our client by concluding there was any genuine issue of material fact as to whether our client was deliberately indifferent to Plaintiff’s serious medical needs.
- Aug 16, 2024, Defense verdict upheld2nd Dist. Ct. of Appeals
The Second District Court of Appeals upheld a favorable defense verdict and overruled objections that the trial court failed to strike prospective jurors for cause and improperly seated two substitute jurors.
- Aug 15, 2024, Motion for Summary Judgment GrantedLorain County Court, Ohio
Motion for summary judgment granted in a slip and fall case at a medical facility.
- Jul 31, 2024, Motion to Dismiss GrantedMahoning County Court, Ohio
Defended physician against wrongful death claim. The Court granted motion to dismiss on statute of limitations grounds.
- Jun 2024, Defense Verdict
Obtained unanimous defense verdict in favor of an anesthesiologist. Plaintiff alleged that an anesthesia block was negligently performed in relation to a wrist surgery and as a result the Plaintiff sustained a permanent injury to his Phrenic nerve.
- Jun 11, 2024, Defense VerdictFranklin County Court of Common Pleas
Obtained an 8-0 defense verdict in favor of a nursing and rehabilitation center.
- May 23, 2024, Defense VerdictMontgomery County
Obtained a unanimous defense verdict in favor of a cardiothoracic surgeon.
- May 16, 2024, Defense VerdictHamilton County Common Pleas Court
Obtained defense verdict in favor of a neurosurgeon accused of performing an unnecessary spinal surgery.
- May 14, 2024, Summary Judgment GrantedMarion Superior Court
The court granted our petition for preliminary determination and motion for summary judgment in favor of our allergist client on a statute of limitations issue regarding a minor with a non-latent disease.
- Apr 2024, Defense VerdictCuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas
Defense verdict on behalf of a pain management physician accused of over prescribing controlled substances.
- Apr 19, 2024, Summary Judgment GrantedVigo County Superior Court
Obtained summary judgment in favor of an interventional cardiologist and their practice group in a medical malpractice case.
- Feb 22, 2024, Defense Verdict
Obtained defense verdict in favor of a critical care physician.
- Dec 27, 2023, Defense Verdict
Obtained defense verdict in a medical malpractice trial involving the death of a 39-year old woman.
- Dec 2023, Defense Verdict
Obtained defense verdict in favor of a physician assistant in a case involving treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome causing an alleged permanent nerve injury.
- Dec 16, 2023, Defense VerdictMontgomery County Common Pleas
Obtained defense verdict in favor of an orthopedic surgeon accused of negligence in causing an arterial injury during a total knee replacement. Additionally, plaintiffs claimed our client was delayed in diagnosing and arranging treatment post-operatively.
- Dec 1, 2023, Defense VerdictCuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas
Obtained defense verdict in favor of urologist. Plaintiff alleged that defendant was negligent during penile implant surgery.
- Oct 27, 2023, Defense VerdictScioto
Obtained defense verdict in favor of chiropractor. Plaintiff alleged that they suffered a cervical herniation and fracture as the result of negligent chiropractic care.
- Oct 27, 2023, Defense VerdictShelby County, Ohio
Obtained defense verdict in favor of radiologist and family practice physician.
- Sep 28, 2023, Defense VerdictMontgomery County
Obtained defense verdict in favor of a primary care physician in a case involving the death of a patient.
- Sep 6, 2023, Motion to Dismiss GrantedIndiana Court of Appeals
Obtained summary judgment and appellate win for a physician and surgical group. The physician was accused of negligently reporting elder abuse. Indiana has a statute that creates immunity for such actions in certain circumstances. There is very little case law to explain the scope and exceptions to the immunity. The Trial Court agreed that immunity applied. The plaintiff appealed and the Indiana Court of Appeals affirmed.
- Sep 2023Montgomery County
Obtained defense verdict in favor of a physician in a case involving significant injuries.
- Aug 2023, DismissalMahoning County Court of Common Pleas
Obtained a dismissal for a hospital and an orthopedic resident.
- Aug 2023
Defended a spine surgeon who allegedly caused brain injury by failing to diagnose a dural tear.
- Aug 23, 2023, Defense VerdictMarion Superior Court
Obtained defense verdict in favor of chiropractors in negligence case. The plaintiff visited our chiropractor clients seeking treatment for a constant, severe headache, as well as lower back and ankle pain. After standard chiropractic adjustments and acupuncture, the clients suggested trying a whole-body cryotherapy session. The plaintiff agreed, but ended the session after two minutes, citing 10/10 pain and signs of hypertensive crisis. The plaintiff contended that her blood pressure was never checked prior to the cryotherapy, and therefore she should never been allowed to use the therapy. Further, Plaintiff also contended that our clients were negligent in their post-cryotherapy management. As per the plaintiff's assertions, our clients’ alleged negligence led the plaintiff to require emergency medical attention and resulted in subsequent diagnoses of hypertension and post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD).
The defendants denied they failed to take the blood pressure. They presented evidence of standard processes and procedures which they follow every time for every patient using cryotherapy. Furthermore, once the plaintiff had a bad experience they provided reasonable care in helping her recover, including offering her every opportunity to obtain transportation home or to a hospital. She recovered quickly and did not have PTSD.
After a three day trial, the jury returned a defense verdict on in favor of our client.
- Jul 17, 2023, Dismissal with PrejudiceVigo County Superior Court
Defended an orthopedic surgeon against claims of negligence in performing including a left hand compartment fasciotomy, decompression of left wrist carpal tunnel, exploration with tagging of lacerated tendons, and left wrist arthrotomy.
- Jun 29, 2023, Defense VerdictCuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas
Obtained a defense verdict for their home health nurse and hospital clients. Plaintiffs claimed that our client was negligent during a suprapubic catheter change which allegedly led to a bowel perforation and the need for surgery including colostomy and hospital stay. After a week and a half of trial, the jury returned a defense verdict on negligence in favor of our clients.
- Jun 2023
Defended a medical malpractice case in which plaintiffs claimed paralysis was caused by a negligently performed spine surgery.
- May 18, 2023, Directed verdict for the defendantsToledo
Defense of ophthalmologist in the alleged negligent performance of cataract surgery which led to a dislocated intraocular lens. Secured a directed verdict in favor of the defendant after a four-day jury trial.
- Apr 25, 2023, Motion To DismissHamilton County Court of Common Pleas
Motion to Dismiss granted in medical malpractice and negligence case asserted against correctional medical provider for the wrongful death of inmate. This matter was already litigated and decided in client’s favor in the federal court, but was re-filed by the Plaintiff in state court. We moved to dismiss based upon statute of limitations and other affirmative defenses.
- Apr 6, 2023, Summary Judgment AffirmedIndiana Supreme Court
This matter involved a chiropractic malpractice claim relating to an allegation of negligent treatment resulting in a cervical spine fracture. The case centered on the element of causation, namely that the origin of the compression fracture, was complicated by the patient’s metastatic bone cancer. A licensed physician offered an opinion on behalf of the defense that the cancer was the cause of the fracture; in turn, Plaintiff designated a physical therapist (DPT) to provide an opinion to the contrary. However, as both the trial court and Court of Appeals determined, which opinions remain in-tact following the Supreme Court’s decision not to accept transfer, Plaintiff’s expert physical therapist was not qualified under the Rules of Evidence to offer an opinion on causation because such a complicated medical question, in addition to a question centering on subjective complaints of pain, required the expert opinion of a physician licensed to practice medicine. Because Plaintiff failed to designate a qualified medical opinion on the essential element of causation, defendant was entitled to summary judgment.
- Apr 2023, Defense VerdictWarrick County, Indiana
Defended a maternal fetal medicine physician against medical malpractice claims involving the death of a patient following childbirth. The case was tried to a jury during a two-week trial in southern Indiana. The jury heard testimony from eleven physicians from multiple specialties. The jury returned a verdict in favor of our physician client.
- Mar 16, 2023, Defense VerdictCuyahoga County
Obtained defense verdict for a Radiologist, General Surgeon, and Hospital System in a medical malpractice claim involving a laparoscopic hernia repair with mesh and tacks
- Mar 14, 2023, Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings GrantedCuyahoga County Court, Ohio
Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings granted in favor of healthcare system and medical profesisonals in medical negligence and wrongful death action.
- Mar 6, 2023, Motion For Summary JudgmentU.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana
Plaintiff alleged that our optometrist client violated the Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Plaintiff has a presumptive diagnosis of Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 7 or “SCA7”, a serious inherited disease involving the degeneration of the central nervous system, for which there is no cure or meaningful treatment to stop the delay and progression of the disease. Plaintiff argued that our client was deliberately indifferent for the incorrect eyewear prescriptions and for failing to have him genetically tested or treated for SCA7.
- Feb 24, 2023, Defense VerdictSandusky
Defense of ophthalmologist in endophthlamitis case which led to permanent blindness.
- Feb 6, 2023, Motion for Sanctions requesting dismissal of case grantedRichland County, Ohio
Motion for Sanctions requesting dismissal of case granted in favor of healthcare system. During litigation, plaintiff failed to adequately respond to discovery requests and failed to comply with the Court’s order compelling adequate responses to discovery.
- Feb 2, 2023, Motion for Summary Judgment GrantedCuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas
Plaintiffs filed (1) false imprisonment, (2) premises liability, (3) negligent hiring, (4) negligent infliction of emotional distress, (5) intentional infliction of emotional distress, (6) vicarious liability, (7) respondeat superior, (8) agency by estoppel, and (9) loss of consortium claims against hospital and emergency medicine physician based on allegations that the patient plaintiff was mistreated during his time at the emergency department. Summary Judgment granted in favor of emergency medicine physician on the basis that all claims alleged failed as a matter of law.
- Dec 1, 2022, Summary JudgmentMarion Superior Court
Summary Judgment for Nurse Staffing Company after prevailing before the medical review panel and Plaintiff failing to designate proper expert evidence to prosecute the case.
- Nov 29, 2022, Judgment Affirmed10th Appellate Dist
Plaintiff appealed adverse trial court granting summary judgment due to lack of expert witness in medical malpractice claim.
- Nov 2022Mahoning County Court, Ohio
Obtained defense verdict in a claim of catastrophic injuries resulting from surgical complications.
- Nov 7, 2022, Unanimous Defense VerdictHamilton County, Indiana
Obtained a unanimous defense verdict in favor of psychiatrist against medical malpractice claims related to the prescription of an antipsychotic drug.
- Nov 1, 2022Mahoning County Court, Ohio
Obtained defense verdict in a claim of catastrophic injuries resulting from surgical complications.
- Oct 26, 2022, DismissalU.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana
An inmate incarcerated in federal prison in Terre Haute, Indiana accused a contract optometrist of being deliberately indifferent to his serious medical needs when he did not rule out stroke when the inmate presented to the optometrist with sudden vision loss and also did not refer him to the hospital. The inmate later suffered a stroke and accompanying damages. The trial dismissed the inmate's case on a Rule 12 motion by finding that a federal, Bivens action cannot be brought against a private entity or individual, even if it is a federal medical services contractor.
- Oct 25, 2022Stark County
Obtained defense verdict on behalf of an orthopedic trauma surgeon and a Physicians' Assistant.
- Oct 21, 2022, Defense VerdictCuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas
Defense of nurse defendant against medical negligence claim involving administration of sodium bicarbonate and calcium gluconate infusions.
- Oct 21, 2022, Defense VerdictCuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas
Defense of wrongful death medical negligence claim involving pulmonary embolism.
- Oct 14, 2022Jefferson County
Defense of wrongful death involving bacterial pneumonia and MRSA.
- Oct 12, 2022, Dismissal with PrejudiceShelby County, IN
Petition for Preliminary Determination Granted to Compel/Dismiss for failure to comply with Court orders after receiving transfer of the file from another law firm.
- Sep 2022
Defended ER physician who was alleged to have negligently failed to diagnose an aortic dissection.
- Sep 23, 2022Cuyahoga County
Defense of orthopedic surgical malpractice claim.
- Sep 15, 2022Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas
Obtained a defense verdict for neuro-interventional radiology client.
- Sep 8, 2022Summit County
Defense of a wrongful death claim involving an emergency room physician.
- 2022, DismissalGarfield Heights Municipal Court
Obtained dismissal in medical malpractice action alleging negligent preparation of death certificate on motion to dismiss.
- 2022, Defense VerdictLake County Court of Common Pleas
Obtained defense verdict in medical malpractice action related to alleged negligent performance of bunionectomy.
- Aug 22, 2022, Dismissal with PrejudiceClark, IN
Petition for Preliminary Determination Granted to Compel/Dismiss for failure to comply with Court orders.
- Aug 12, 2022, Defense VerdictLucas County
Defense of wrongful death as to the placement of pediatric cardiology device.
- Jul 7, 2022Lake County Court, Ohio
Defense of medical negligence during bunionectomy.
- Jun 2022, Summary Judgment GrantedU.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana
Defended orthopedic surgeon in federal court for claims related to carpal tunnel release and ulnar nerve decompression. Summary judgment granted in favor of physician.
- Jun 11, 2022Wayne
Defense of wrongful death following a fall in the hospital.
- May 2022, Judgment Affirmed5th Appellate Dist
Court of appeals affirmed trial court ruling the statute of repose barred a wrongful death claim.
- May 19, 2022, Motion for Summary Judgment Affirmed8th Appellate Dist
Appellate court affirms trial court’s motion for summary judgment in medical malpractice case alleging delayed cancer diagnosis.
- May 11, 2022Hamilton
Defense of surgical medical negligence, lack of informed consent, battery, and fraud.
- May 9, 2022, Defense VerdictLucas County
Defense of general surgeon in medical malpractice claim involving a failure to timely diagnose a bowel perforation which led to septic shock, coma, and cardiopulmonary injury.
- Apr 29, 2022Madison, IN Circuit Court
Defense of general surgeon in medical malpractice claim involving delayed operation on a small bowel obstruction.
- Apr 2022, Dismissal Affirmed11th Appellate Dist
Court of appeals affirmed trial court’s dismissal of civil conspiracy allegation based on witness immunity.
- Mar 29, 2022, Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings GrantedLucas County
Defense of medical malpractice claim arising from medical care of COVID-19 patient.
- Mar 11, 2022, Motion for Summary Judgment GrantedCuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas
Motion for Summary Judgment granted in favor of emergency medicine physician, based on plaintiffs’ failure to produce and offer qualified expert testimony against the physician concerning the standard of care, breach of the standard of care, and reasonable probability that the claimed injury was proximately caused by the alleged departure from the standard of care.
- Feb 2022, Summary Judgment GrantedU.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana
Defended orthopedic surgeon in federal court for claims related to open reduction internal fixation with ostomy of hand. Summary judgment granted in favor of physician.
- Feb 17, 2022, Defense VerdictVan Wert County
Defense of interventional radiologist in medical malpractice/wrongful death claim involving alleged negligence, which led to massive bleeding and death following a kyphoplasty procedure.
- Feb 16, 2022, Dismissal Affirmed6th Circuit Court of Appeals
Affirming trial court’s dismissal of medical malpractice action brought against multiple hospitals and physicians.
- Feb 14, 2022, Dismissed by PlaintiffElkhart Superior Court
Successfully defended chiropractor in a case transferred to us from another firm by our insurer client. After proving that the medical review panel’s negative opinion amounted to negligent billing and record keeping which could not create questions of fact for the jury, the plaintiff dismissed the case while our motion for summary judgment was pending and 1 month before the trial.
- Feb 10, 2022, Summary Judgment Granted6th Circuit Court of Appeals
Medical negligence and constitutional deliberate indifference claims were asserted in connection with the death of an inmate at a county jail. It was alleged that the inmate developed endocarditis as a result of IV drug use prior to booking and that it was not timely recognized or treated. After significant discovery, summary judgment was rendered as to all federal claims by the U.S. District Court on behalf of the named medical providers and correctional staff. An appeal was taken to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, which affirmed.
- Nov 16, 2021Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas
Defense of long-term care facility against claim of negligence allegedly leading to death of 84 year old resident. After two weeks of trial, the jury returned a unanimous defense verdict in favor of our client.
- Sep 15, 2021, Summary Judgment GrantedIndiana Southern District
Successfully obtained summary judgment on behalf of jail doctor who was alleged to have been deliberately indifferent to an inmates serious medical needs by refusing to prescribe him a specific type of nerve medication as well as a desired pain medication.
- Sep 2, 2021, Summary Judgment GrantedIndiana Southern District
Successfully obtained summary judgment for contractor of federal prison where she was alleged to have refused emergency care to an inmate based on lack of cause of action under Bivens or otherwise to assert the same.
- Aug 10, 2021, Defense VerdictErie County, Ohio
Defense of medical malpractice/wrongful death claim involving the negligent prescription of medication for off label use which led to deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and death.
- Jun 28, 2021, Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings GrantedCuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas
Defended various medical providers against claims of medical negligence. Judgment on the Pleadings granted pursuant to the Statute of Repose.
- Jun 25, 2021Lake County, Indiana
Defense of neonatologist in medical malpractice claim alleging breach of standard of care which led to delay in treating necrotizing enterocolitis and bowel perforation in a premature baby.
- Jun 24, 2021Columbiana County Court of Common Pleas
Defense of emergency medicine physician against wrongful death/medical negligence claim.
- May 18, 2021, Defense VerdictRichland
Defense of medical malpractice claim involving the negligent insertion of a Foley catheter and catheter guide which led to bladder perforation and permanent injury.
- Mercer v. KeaneMay 4, 2021, Judgment AffirmedCoshocton County, Ohio Court of Appeals
Affirming trial court’s dismissal of wrongful death claim filed after the expiration of the medical malpractice statute of repose.
- Apr 27, 2021, Judgment OverturnedIndiana Court of Appeals
Successful appeal of trial court order denying motion for summary judgment.
- Devon Degenero v. Generations Behavioral HealthApr 13, 2021, Motion to Dismiss GrantedMahoning County Court of Common Pleas
Defense of behavioral health facility medical malpractice claim.
- Mar 19, 2021Lake County Court of Common Pleas
Represented urologists in a case involving complications with a penile implant surgery.
- Dec 3, 2020, Judgment Affirmed7th Appellate Dist
Appellate court affirms trial court’s defense verdict of plaintiff’s medical malpractice claim.
- Oct 22, 2020Eighth Appellate District, Cuyahoga County, Ohio; Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas
Defense of pain management physician in a medical negligence claim, allegedly leading to a spinal cord injury.
- Sep 11, 2020Montgomery County Common Pleas
Plaintiff underwent two level lumbar spine fusion performed by our neurosurgery client and subsequently claimed unremitting permanent pain from a cage/ spacer migrating into her spinal canal. Plaintiff claimed neurosurgeon failed to timely order appropriate tests and perform subsequent surgery to remove the cage, causing it to be permanently located in the spinal canal, resulting in permanent severe pain and disability.
- Jul 2020Cuyahoga County Court, Ohio
Defense of neurointerventional radiologist alleging negligence in treatment of a stroke.
- Mar 17, 2020Franklin County Court of Common Pleas
We represented a family practice physician. Plaintiffs alleged that our client failed to obtain urinalysis and MRI of the cervical neck in a patient with severe neck pain and hypertension. Plaintiff claimed this delayed diagnosis of her multiple myeloma, causing a C5 fracture and permanent spinal cord damage, multiple spine surgeries and permanent bowel and bladder incontinence. Plaintiff also claimed she is permanently confined to a wheelchair. Jury returned a unanimous verdict on favor of our client on standard of care.
- Defense verdict in a medical malpractice case in the Hamilton County Common Pleas Court, stemming from multiple spine surgeries performed on Plaintiff.Mar 13, 2020Hamilton County Common Pleas Court
- Feb 28, 2020Summit County
Medical malpractice wrongful death claim involving death of a 44-year-old woman from a liver abscess following an appendectomy.
- Feb 25, 2020Belmont County Common Pleas
Defense of plastic surgeon in case alleging failure to appropriately perform breast reconstruction, resulting in multiple further surgeries
- Jan 23, 2020Hamilton
Defense of orthopedic medical malpractice claim
- Jan 22, 2020Mahoning
Defense of wrongful death of 21 year old mother medical malpractice claim
- Dec 20, 2019Delaware County, IN
Trial defense of claims of medical malpractice
- Nov 15, 2019Crawford
Defense of podiatric surgeon medical malpractice claim
- Nov 2019Cuyahoga County Court, Ohio
Defense of family medicine physician alleging wrongful death/medical negligence for prescribing opiates over many years leading to a 50-year old's death.
- Nov 1, 2019Franklin County Court of Common Pleas
Defense of medical malpractice wrongful death claim alleging failure to obtain cardiac workup in hospitalized patient with risk factors for coronary artery disease.
- Oct 25, 2019St. Joseph, IN
Defense of claim against two radiologists alleging negligent diagnostic interpretations of a CT and then an ultrasound that caused pain and suffering and an emergent surgery.
- Oct 23, 2019Cuyahoga
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice claim in failing to timely diagnose an aortic dissection
- Oct 2019Cuyahoga County
Defense of pain management physician in a medical negligence claim, allegedly leading to catastrophic spinal cord injury.
- Sep 30, 2019Franklin County Court of Common Pleas
Defense of ENT surgeon in case alleging medical malpractice and wrongful death of 37 year old male who died from vertebral artery dissection and stroke following stent and spacer removal after sinus surgery.
- Sep 30, 2019Franklin
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice claim
- Sep 13, 2019Hamilton
Defense of orthopedic medical malpractice claim.
- Sep 5, 2019Hamilton
Defense of medical malpractice claim alleging unnecessary spinal fusion and decompression.
- Sep 4, 2019, Summary Judgment GrantedU.S. District Court, Southern District of Ohio
Defense of federal civil rights action arising from jail suicide.
- Aug 22, 2019U.S. District Court, Northern District of Ohio
Defense of medical malpractice claim against neuroradiologist alleging failure to recognize indications of spinal epidural abscess on MRI.
- Aug 20, 2019Summit
Defense of injury case against hospital.
- Aug 8, 2019, Denial of Petition to TransferIndiana Supreme Court
Marigold Overshiner and Earl Overshiner, Individually and as Parents and Guardians of their Minor Daughter, Kaitlyn Overshiner, and Kaitlyn Overshiner, v. Hendricks Regional Health and Ian Johnston, M.D
Indiana Supreme Court denied transfer upholding the decision by the Court of Appeals affirming a directed verdict in favor of defendant hospital and physician following a jury trial alleging blindness to an infant.
- Jul 26, 2019Lake County
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice for failure to timely to diagnose necrotizing pancreatitis.
- Jun 11, 2019, Defense VerdictLucas
Defense of emergency medicine malpractice claim in 6-day jury trial alleging failure to diagnose soft tissue infection resulting in gangrene, multiple surgeries, and permanent injury.
- Jun 5, 2019Jefferson County Court of Common Pleas
Defended internal medicine/ attending physician in case alleging wrongful death of 33 year old high school track coach from pulmonary embolus.
- Jun 3, 2019Jefferson County Court of Common Pleas
Defense of wrongful death suit alleging failure to adequately treat pulmonary embolism in a 36-year-old man.
- Apr 22, 2019Allen County, Indiana
Defense of claims of wrongful termination and withholding of compensation
- Apr 11, 2019Cuyahoga
Defense of wrongful death claim involving interventional pulmonologist.
- Mar 18, 2019U.S. District Court, Northern District of Ohio
Granting motion for judgment on the pleadings filed on behalf of county jail medical care provider because deliberate indifference claims brought under 42 U.S.C. 1983 were time barred as a matter of law, and tolling/relation back doctrines did not apply to save Plaintiff's claims.
- Mar 1, 2019Lake County, Indiana Superior Court
The plaintiff claimed that the cardiologist failed to diagnose an acute aortic dissection resulting in her husband’s death. Following a three-week long jury trial with numerous experts, the jury returned a verdict in favor of the defendant cardiologist.
- Feb 21, 2019, Directed Verdict AffirmedIndiana Court of Appeals
Marigold Overshiner and Earl Overshiner, Individually and as Parents and Guardians of their Minor Daughter, Kaitlyn Overshiner, and Kaitlyn Overshiner, v. Hendricks Regional Health and Ian Johnston, M.D.
Indiana Court of Appeals affirmed judgment in favor of the defendant hospital and physician following a jury trial alleging blindness to an infant.
- Jan 25, 2019Cuyahoga
Defense of obstetric medical malpractice claim alleging severe neurologic birth injury
- Dec 21, 2018Cuyahoga
Defense of medical malpractice claim alleging damages including lost future wages
- Dec 14, 2018Cuyahoga
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice claim
- Oct 19, 2018Cuyahoga
Defense of podiatric malpractice claim of unnecessary surgery
- Sep 20, 2018Franklin County Court of Common Pleas
Defense of medical malpractice claim for alleged failure to diagnose subdural hematoma.
- Sep 10, 2018Cuyahoga
Defense of emergency room wrongful death claim involving drug overdose
- Aug 14, 2018, Judgment ReversedOhio Supreme Court
P. Portee v. Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Defendants appealed adverse Court of Appeal decision reversing summary judgment based on statute of limitations.
- Aug 10, 2018, Plaintiff VerdictErie
Defense of wrongful death claim involving a terminal airway obstruction resulting in cardiopulmonary arrest.
- Jul 22, 2018Summit
Defense of medical malpractice in alleged missed diagnosis of stroke
- Jul 18, 2018Lucas
Defense of medical malpractice claim arising from abdominal hysterectomy
- Jul 2018Cuyahoga County
Defense of emergency department physician alleging failure to timely diagnose and appropriately treat myocardial infarction.
- Jun 2018, Defense VerdictDubois County
Obtained judgment in favor of hospital, surgeon, and CRNA on small claim for medical malpractice related to sinus surgery.
- Jun 2018, Defense VerdictVanderburgh County
Defended general surgeon in wrongful death claim related to complications following an ERCP procedure. Jury returned a defense verdict.
- Jun 7, 2018, Defense VerdictLorain
Defense of medical malpractice claim involving shoulder dystocia during delivery resulting in a permanent brachial plexus injury
- Apr 13, 2018Delaware
Defense of medical malpractice intensive care unit claim
- Mar 20, 2018, Defense VerdictErie
Defense of alleged negligent recredentialing a foot surgeon in performing 32 unnecessary surgeries
- Mar 12, 2018Cuyahoga
Defense of a gynecologic surgeon performing robotic laparoscopic hysterectomy leading to permanent injury
- Feb 23, 2018, Judgment Affirmed6th District Court of Appeals
Gaye Lynn Harris-Miles, et al. v. Lakewood Hospital, et al.
Defense of medical malpractice appeal.
- Jan 27, 2018, Trial VerdictDelaware County, IN
Defense of psychiatric facility against claims of medical malpractice and wrongful death
- Jan 23, 2018Cuyahoga
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice involving robotic assistance laparoscopic nephrectomy
- Jan 19, 2018Fairfield County Court of Common Pleas
Defense of obstetrician in medical malpractice brachial plexus injury claim.
- Dec 6, 2017, Directed verdict for the defendantsPutnam County Circuit Court
Medical malpractice case alleging blindness, cerebral palsy and other injuries due to hyperbilirubinemia.
- Oct 6, 2017Cuyahoga
Defense of medical malpractice negligence from platelet rich plasma injection causing gangrene and permanent disfigurement
- Oct 3, 2017, Motion to Dismiss GrantedLucas
Defense of long term care wrongful death claim
- Sep 29, 2017Lucas County Court of Common Pleas
Defense of neurology medical malpractice claim.
- Sep 28, 2017Summit
Defense of ophthalmologic malpractice claim involving loss of vision in left eye
- Sep 21, 2017Wood
Defense of medical malpractice involving misdiagnosis of hyperthyroidism.
- Sep 2017Franklin County Court, Ohio
Defense of emergency department physician with allegations of failure to timely diagnose and treat the flu, leading to a 40-year old's death.
- Sep 1, 2017Cuyahoga
Defense of catastrophic medical malpractice injury claim involving stroke
- Jul 2017, Summary Judgment GrantedU.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana
Defended general surgeon in 8th Amendment deliberate indifference claim and obtained judgment in favor of physician.
- Jul 6, 2017Huron
Defense of ophthalmology retina surgical case resulting in loss of vision in one eye
- Jun 20, 2017, Defense VerdictErie
Defense of orthopedic medical malpractice
- Jun 16, 2017, Judgment Affirmed7th Appellate Dist
Merlin v. Ankle & Foot Care Centers of Ohio, et al.
Plaintiff appealed the trial court’s denial of motion for mistrial due to alleged unfair surprise related to supplemental discovery just prior to trial.
- Jun 9, 2017Cuyahoga
Defense of wrongful death delayed cancer diagnosis claim
- May 15, 2017Cuyahoga
Defense of wrongful death claim medical malpractice claim based on medication overdose
- May 15, 2017Summit
Defense of medical malpractice claim alleging severe neurologic deficit resulting from negligence in neonatal intensive care unit.
- May 12, 2017Mahoning
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice claim based on pulmonary embolism
- Mar 7, 2017, Defense VerdictErie
Defense of negligent credentialing and re-credentialing of podiatrist
- Mar 2017Cuyahoga County Court, Ohio
Defense of medical and nursing/hospital negligence claim alleging wrong death arising out of the death of a patient following EGD.
- Feb 2017U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana
Defended hospital, nurse practitioner, and nurse in 8th Amendment deliberate indifference claim and obtained judgment in favor of all healthcare providers.
- Feb 22, 2017Defiance
Claim of improper insertion of a catheter causing significant and permanent injury to the plaintiff's urinary system.
- Jan 18, 2017Cuyahoga
Defendant dismissed after commencement of trial
- Jan 17, 2017Fairfield County Court of Common Pleas
Defended OB/GYN in case alleging permanent brachial plexus injury due to shoulder dystocia.
- Jan 4, 2017U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals
Estate of James Barton vs. Hamilton County, NaphCare, et al.
Federal civil rights, medical malpractice and wrongful death action brought against Hamilton County jail, corrections officers and medical staff related to death of an inmate while in custody
- Dec 2016Pickaway
Defense of medical malpractice claim involving the administration of Vistaril and then allowing the patient to drive home.
- Nov 18, 2016Cuyahoga
Defense of medical malpractice following complications with bariatric surgery
- Oct 28, 2016Hamilton Cty., IN
Defense of gastroenterologist medical malpractice claim
- Oct 28, 2016Stark
Defense of orthopedic surgery malpractice claim
- Oct 13, 2016, Plaintiff VerdictCuyahoga
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice claim involving deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolus
- Sep 16, 2016Allen
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice case involving deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolus
- Sep 2016Cuyahoga
Defense of emergency department physician with allegations of catastrophic injury to this patient's gastrointestinal system.
- Aug 19, 2016Pickaway
Defense of wrongful death nurse practitioner claim
- Aug 12, 2016Erie
Defense of orthopedic total knee replacement malpractice claim
- May 23, 2016, Trial VerdictPortage
Defense of national recreational association against claims of nuisance and infliction of emotional distress
- May 12, 2016, Judgment Affirmed8th Appellate Dist. No. 103758
Estate of J. Kinaz v. Diplomat Healthcare, et al.
Plaintiff appealed adverse trial court judgment in wrongful death medical malpractice case based on lack of expert testimony.
- Apr 11, 2016, Motion For Summary JudgmentCuyahoga
Defense of involuntary imprisonment claim against hospital and psychiatrist
- Mar 18, 2016Cuyahoga
Defense of urologic medical malpractice claim
- Feb 24, 2016, Defense VerdictKnox County
Defended internal medicine physician and hospital in wrongful death claim related to patient with subdural hematoma following a fall. Jury returned a defense verdict.
- Feb 11, 2016Mahoning
Defense of podiatric surgical malpractice claim
- Feb 3, 2016Allen
Defense of catastrophic cardiothoracic surgical negligence case
- Jan 26, 2016Stark
Defense of medical malpractice, wrongful death claim
- Jan 6, 2016, Complaint dismissedState of Indiana
Defense of Orthopedic Practice by medical board investigation for failure to provide emergency orthopedic care
- Dec 23, 2015, Complaint dismissedMarion County, IN
Defense of alleged negligent psychiatric care case
- Dec 15, 2015Mahoning
Defense of wrongful death gastrointestinal surgery claim.
- Dec 2015Cuyahoga County Court, Ohio
Defense of emergency department physician alleging wrongful death of a 19-year old due to increased intracranial pressure.
- Nov 11, 2015Franklin
Defense of podiatric surgical malpractice case.
- Nov 2, 2015, Complaint dismissedPorter County, IN
Defense of medical malpractice case involving multiple hospital falls
- Oct 23, 2015Jefferson, KY
Defense of wrongful death emergency medicine claim of 23 year old male.
- Oct 22, 2015Stark
Defense of obstetrical medical malpractice claim involving stillborn child
- Oct 9, 2015Marion
Defense of surgical gastroenterology medical malpractice claim
- Oct 5, 2015Lorain
Defense of catastrophic birth injury claim involving placental abruption
- Sep 8, 2015Mercer
Defense of wrongful death emergency room medical malpractice claim
- Sep 8, 2015Mercer
Defense of wrongful death emergency room medical malpractice claim
- Aug 21, 2015, Motion to Dismiss GrantedU.S. District Court, Southern District of Ohio
Defense of medical malpractice claim
- Jul 31, 2015Deerborn, IN
Defense of catastrophic medical malpractice claim
- Jul 30, 2015Mahoning
Defense of catastrophic birth trauma medical malpractice claim
- Jul 29, 2015Marion County, IN
Defense of medical malpractice claim alleging urethral tear during cystoscopy.
- Jul 13, 2015, Motion to Dismiss GrantedHendricks County, Indiana
Defense of medical malpractice case involving alleged traumatic brain injury as a result of an anaphylactic reaction during a colonoscopy.
- Jul 8, 2015Sandusky
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice claim
- Jun 19, 2015, Judgment Affirmed6th Appellate Dist
Jennifer Baker, Extrx. of E/O Janice Colston v. Anthony DeRiso, II, M.D., et al.
Plaintiff appealed defense verdict in medical malpractice wrongful death claim
- May 27, 2015, Defense VerdictErie
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice case
- May 27, 2015Summit
Defense of delayed diagnosis in medical malpractice claim
- R.Ress, et al., v. D. Karns, M.D., et alMay 15, 2015Cuyahoga
Defense of surgical medical malpractice claim
- May 15, 2015, Judgment Affirmed10th Appellate Dist
Nichter v. Shamansky
Plaintiff appealed adverse trial court judgment in legal malpractice claim.
- Apr 24, 2015Cuyahoga
Defense of general surgeon in medical malpractice claim involving allegations of negligent hernia repair
- Apr 23, 2015Jefferson County
Defense of medical malpractice wrongful death action
- Apr 21, 2015Ashtabula
Defense of medical malpractice of internal medicine treatment for COPD.
- Mar 27, 2015Summit
- Mar 23, 2015, Judgment Affirmed3rd Appellate Dist.
S. Smith, et al. v. Wyandot Memorial Hospital, et al.
Plaintiff appealed adverse trial court judgment in medical malpractice claim.
- Mar 23, 2015Mahoning
Defense of catastrophic birth injury medical malpractice case
- Mar 11, 2015, Defense VerdictLorain
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice claim
- Feb 25, 2015Cuyahoga
Defense of wrongful death emergency room medical malpractice claim
- Feb 24, 2015Grant County, Indiana
Defense of medical malpractice wrongful death case involving stillborn infant during caesarian delivery.
- Feb 2015, Case resolved favorably during trialCuyahoga
Defense of radiologist in wrongful death medical malpractice claim involving claim of missed aortic dissection
- Jan 30, 2015Trumbull
Defense of catastrophic surgical medical malpractice claim.
- Dec 17, 2014Cuyahoga
- Nov 2014Cuyahoga County Court, Ohio
Defense of pediatric emergency medicine physician for claims of malpractice arising out of failure to timely diagnose and appropriately treat Stevens Johnson Syndrome.
- Nov 21, 2014Erie
Defense of wrongful death cardiothoracic medical malpractice
- Nov 21, 2014Jefferson County
Defense of catastrophic medical malpractice claim
- Nov 18, 2014Pickaway
Defense of health care commercial premises liability personal injury claim
- Oct 28, 2014Summit
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice claim.
- Sep 16, 2014, Directed VerdictCuyahoga
- Sep 11, 2014, Judgment Affirmed10th Appellate Dist
C. Kulich-Greer v. OhioHealth Corporation, et al.
Plaintiff appealed trial court judgment in wrongful confinement and intentional infliction of emotional distress claim
- Sep 9, 2014, Complaint dismissedFranklin
Defense of physician in medical board administrative investigation
- Aug 29, 2014Lucas
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice claim
- Aug 22, 2014, Defense VerdictKnox
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice claim
- Aug 12, 2014Franklin
Defense of medical
malpractice wrongful death claim - Aug 2014Cuyahoga
Defense of emergency
medicine medical malpractice claim - Jul 24, 2014, Summary Judgment GrantedU.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana
Defended orthopedic surgeon in 8th Amendment deliberate indifference claims and obtained dismissal of all claims.
- Jul 16, 2014Wood
Defense of surgical medical malpractice claim
- Jul 16, 2014, Defense VerdictErie
Defense of wrongful
death psychiatric claim - Jul 16, 2014, Reversed9th Appellate Dist.
E. Hubiak, et al. v. Ohio Family Practice Center Inc., et al
Plaintiff appealed adverse trial court judgment in medical malpractice claim
- Jul 2, 2014Cuyahoga
Defense of surgical
medical malpractice claim - Jun 25, 2014, Judgment AffirmedUSDC 6th Cir. Appeal
King v. Alexander
Defense of prison officials from allegedly inadequate medical care to a prison inmate
- May 27, 2014Summit
Defense of anesthesiologist in wrongful death medical malpractice claim involving allegation of inappropriately monitoring following spine surgery.
- May 14, 2014Lucas
Defense of catastrophic brain injury medical malpractice case
- May 2, 2014Cuyahoga
Defense of catastrophic birth trauma medical malpractice case
- Apr 23, 2014Lucas
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice claim
- Apr 18, 2014Lorain
Defense of orthopedic knee replacement surgery malpractice claim
- Mar 14, 2014Hamilton
Defense of podiatry wrongful death claim
- Mar 12, 2014Lake
Defense of medical malpractice catastrophic birth injury claim
- Higgins v. Ranasinghe2014, Judgment Affirmed8th Appellate Dist
Affirming judgment of trial court returning jury verdict in favor of defendant on plaintiff’s medical negligence claims.
- Mar 6, 2014Stark
Defense of orthopedic malpractice claim involving damages of lower limb amputation
- Feb 19, 2014, Summary Judgment GrantedSummit
Defense of medical malpractice cosmetic surgery claim
- Feb 12, 2014Jefferson County, KY
Defense of allied health care liability
- Feb 2014, Resolved during trialCuyahoga County Court, Ohio
Defense of urgent care physician in catastrophic injury to 50-year old.
- Feb 7, 2014Stark
Defense of catastrophic emergency medicine paralysis claim
- Feb 3, 2014Stark
Defense of interventional cardiologist wrongful death medical malpractice case.
- Jan 30, 2014Cuyahoga
Defense of Defense of above knee amputation claim of podiatric malpractice
- Jan 29, 2014, DismissalWV State Medical Board
Defense of WV Medical Board disciplinary claim
- Jan 17, 2014Trumbull
Defense of wrongful death psychiatric malpractice claim
- Dec 2, 2013Summit
Defense of wrongful death anesthesia medical malpractice claim
- Nov 18, 2013, Dismissed during trial with no paymentAllen
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice claim
- Nov 15, 2013Franklin
Defense of wrongful death urgent care medical malpractice claim
- Oct 29, 2013, Summary Judgment GrantedLucas
Defense of pharmaceutical malpractice wrongful death claim
- Oct 18, 2013Summit
Defense of catastrophic fractured skull and brain injury baby claim
- Sep 20, 2013Portage
Defense of orthopedic surgery rotator cuff and bicep tendon tear medical malpractice claim
- Sep 19, 2013Cuyahoga
Defense of medical malpractice alleged nerve injury surgery claim
- Sep 12, 2013Lorain
Defense of orthopedic medical malpractice claim
- Sep 5, 2013Lucas
Defense of catastrophic neurologist medical malpractice claim
- Aug 23, 2013, Judgment Affirmed1st Appellate Dist
Louis Manchise vs. Steven Ionnia, M.D., et al
Plaintiff appealed adverse trial court judgment in medical malpractice claim
- Aug 22, 2013, Motion to Dismiss Granted with PrejudiceCuyahoga
Medical Malpractice
- Jul 2013Cuyahoga County Court, Ohio
Defense of obstetric malpractice claim involving catastrophic injury to newborn.
- Jul 2, 2013Stark
Defense of claimed delay diagnosis of breast cancer medical malpractice
- Jul 2013, Resolved during trialLake County Court, Ohio
Defense of emergency medicine physician/wrongful death medical negligence claim alleging a failure to timely diagnose and appropriately treat sepsis, purportedly leading to wrongful death.
- Jun 7, 2013Lucas
Defense of OB/GYN medical practice claim claiming failure to timely diagnose post-partum infection resulting in catastrophic injury.
- May 22, 2013Summit
Defense of obstetrical malpractice claim involving cerebral palsy birth trauma from alleged delayed delivery
- May 22, 2013Summit
Defense of obstetrical malpractice claim involving cerebral palsy birth trauma from alleged delayed delivery
- May 22, 2013Erie
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice claim involving alleged improper treatment of early stage cervical cancer
- May 16, 2013Guernsey
Defense of general surgical medical malpractice claim.
- May 16, 2013, Judgment Affirmed10th Appellate Dist
Plaintiff appealed adverse trial court judgment in hospital malpractice claim
- Apr 17, 2013, Favorable OutcomeCuyahoga
Defense of orthopedic medical malpractice claim
- Apr 8, 2013, Judgment Affirmed3rd Appellate Dist.
T. Rall, et al. v. C. Arora, M.D., et al.
Plaintiff appealed adverse trial court judgment in medical malpractice claim
- Mar 21, 2013, Judgment AffirmedU.S. District Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit
E/O S. Galloway v. Marion Psychological Inc., et al.
Plaintiff appealed adverse trial court judgment in wrongful death suicide claim
- Feb 20, 2013, Favorable OutcomeFranklin
Defense of State Medical Board licensure removal claim.
- Dec 18, 2012Geauga
Defense of orthopedic medical malpractice claim
- Dec 18, 2012Jefferson, KY
Defense of hospital and nursing medical malpractice claim
- Nov 30, 20125th Appellate Dist
Waikem v. Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Plaintiff appealed adverse trial court judgment upholding defense of statute of repose in medical malpractice claim
- Nov 23, 2012, Reversed1st Appellate Dist
Daniel Siegel, et al. v. Life Center Organ Donor Network, et al.,
Plaintiff appealed adverse trial court judgment on claim for unauthorized removal of organ under Uniform Anatomical Gift Act.
- Oct 26, 2012Hancock
Defense of wrongful death orthopedic medical malpractice claim.
- Oct 19, 2012Hancock
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice claim alleging negligent administration of medication resulting in asphyxia.
- Oct 2, 2012Franklin
Defense of surgical medical malpractice claim
- Oct 1, 2012Cuyahoga
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice.
- Sep 5, 2012Mahoning
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice claim
- Aug 6, 2012Allen
Defense of medical malpractice laparoscopic hysterectomy
- Jul 27, 2012Summit
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice claim
- Jun 22, 2012Stark
Defense of orthopaedic surgical malpractice wrongful death claim
- Jun 2012Cuyahoga County Court, Ohio
Defense of emergency medicine/wrongful death case alleging failure to timely diagnose and appropriately flu/sepsis leading to the death of a 30-year old 4 days postpartum.
- May 25, 2012Mahoning
Defense of emergency medicine wrongful death case
- May 25, 2012Cuyahoga
Defense of emergency medicine wrongful death medical malpractice case
- May 2, 2012, Favorable OutcomeHamilton
Defense of physical fitness products liability personal injury claim.
- Apr 13, 2012Cuyahoga
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice claim
- Apr 9, 2012Lorain
Defense of ophthalmology medical malpractice claim
- Mar 19, 2012, Judgment Affirmed11th Appellate Dist
Plaintiff v. General Dentist Defendant
Plaintiff's unsuccessful appeal of trial court judgment in favor of defendants dentists in case involving alleged failure to diagnose oral cancer.
- Mar 12, 2012Cuyahoga
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice
- Feb 14, 2012Guernsey
Defense of wrongful death general surgical malpractice
- Feb 2012Cuyahoga County Court, Ohio
Defense of wrongful death nursing home/long term care claim.
- Jan 19, 2012, Trial Verdict Reversed8th District Court of Appeals
Estate of Wood v. Harborside Health Care
Estate of deceased resident appealed adverse trial court judgment in wrongful death for alleged failure to timely diagnose and treat resident’s infection claim.
- Dec 2011Franklin
Defense of medical malpractice claim involving the death of a physician after oral surgery and loss of airway.
- Oct 27, 2011Guernsey
Defense of physical therapy malpractice geriatric malpractice claim.
- Oct 2011, Favorable OutcomeLorain
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice claim involving emergency room medicine
- Sep 14, 2011Hancock
Defense of medical malpractice claim alleging failure to diagnose massive heart attack in 30-year old.
- Aug 22, 2011Summit
Defense of psychiatric malpractice wrongful death claim
- Jul 1, 2011, Plaintiff VerdictCoshocton
Defense of medical malpractice breast cancer misdiagnosis
- Jun 28, 2011, Favorable OutcomeKnox
Defense of wrongful death emergency medicine malpractice claim
- Jun 24, 2011, Directed VerdictCuyahoga
Defense verdict in favor of ENT and employer arising out of facelift procedure with alleged cosmetic deformity.
- Jun 20, 2011, Favorable OutcomeHamilton
Defense of medical malpractice wrongful death claim
- May 25, 2011Lake
Defense of wrongful death emergency medical malpractice claim involving death of subarachnoid hematoma
- May 13, 2011Cuyahoga
Defense of post birth trauma case of now 22 year old profoundly debilitated Plaintiff
- May 9, 2011Ottawa
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice claim
- Apr 22, 2011, Plaintiff VerdictLorain
Defense of catastrophic birth injury medical malpractice
- Apr 2011Franklin
Defense of medical malpractice claim involving the death of a man from prostate cancer.
- Mar 11, 2011Hancock
Defense of medical malpractice claim involving above the knee amputation
- Mar 11, 2011, Plaintiff VerdictCuyahoga
Defense of catastrophic medical malpractice surgical claim
- Mar 11, 2011Hancock
Defense of medical malpractice claim involving allegations of mismanaged infection leading to above the knee amputation.
- Feb 3, 2011Clark
Defense of catastrophic medical malpractice
- Feb 1, 2011Cuyahoga
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice claim
- Dec 29, 2010, Judgment Affirmed9th Appellate Dist.
Cortez. Riechers v. Biats, M.D.
Plaintiff appealed trial court’s denial of Motion for a New Trial based on alleged misconduct occurring during closing argument.
- Dec 20, 2010, Judgment Affirmed3rd Appellate Dist.
Striff, Admr., et al. v. Pandora Family Physicians, Inc. and Steven K. McCullough et al
Plaintiff appealed adverse trial verdict in wrongful death/med mal case.
- Dec 20, 2010, Judgment Affirmed3rd Appellate Dist.
Striff, Admr., et al. v. Horstman & Klir, M.D., Inc.
Plaintiff appealed adverse trial verdict in wrongful death/med mal case.
- Dec 13, 2010Cuyahoga
Defense of medical malpractice claim
- Nov 22, 2010, Plaintiff VerdictSummit
Defense of eye surgery medical malpractice claim.
- Nov 18, 2010Cuyahoga
Defense of psychiatric wrongful death claim involving suicide of 48 year old patient.
- Nov 8, 2010, Favorable OutcomeFranklin
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice claim
- Oct 28, 2010, Judgment Affirmed8th Appellate Dist
Elizabeth Schura, etc. et al. v. C. Marsick, M.D. & Physicians Staffing
Plaintiff appealed a trial court judgment in medical negligence claim.
- Oct 27, 2010Stark
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice case involving dialysis patient presenting in the ER
- Oct 21, 2010Cuyahoga
Defense of catastrophic emergency medicine medical malpractice
- Oct 8, 2010, Judgment Affirmed6th Appellate Dist
Mary Boggia, et al. v. Wood County Hospital, et al
Plaintiff appealed adverse trial court judgment in medical malpractice based on claim of negligent credentialing of settling private physician.
- Oct 4, 2010, Judgment Affirmed12th Appellate Dist
Jessie Mardis, Admrx., etc. v. Janice Mofford, R.N., et al.
Plaintiff appealed adverse trial court judgment dismissing claim against nurse by untimely substitution of Jane Doe defendant.
- Oct 2010Cuyahoga County Court, Ohio
Defense of emergency medicine physician in catastrophic injury claim alleging locked-in syndrome to a 30-year old.
- Aug 30, 2010, Defense Verdict6th Appellate Dist
David Davis v. Firelands Hospital
Plaintiff appealed adverse trial court result in catastrophic medical negligence claim based on trial court evidentiary rulings.
- Aug 27, 2010Lake
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice claim
- Aug 23, 2010Shelby
Defense of medical malpractice claim
- Aug 23, 2010Erie
Defense of medical malpractice (oncologist) misdiagnosis claim
- Jul 30, 2010Hamilton
Defense of podiatric foot surgery malpractice claim
- Jun 30, 2010Lucas
Defense fo wrongful death medical malpractice claim involving emergency medicine.
- Jun 21, 2010, Favorable OutcomeTrumbull
Defense of property damage trucking liability claim.
- Jun 2010Medina
Defense of medical negligence claim against radiologist, alleging neuropathies as a result of alleged delay in cancer diagnosis.
- Jun 17, 2010, Judgment Affirmed10th Appellate Dist
Alene Adams v. Eye Center of Columbus M.D., et al.
Plaintiff appealed adverse trial court judgment in medical malpractice claim for failure to file an Affidavit of Merit.
- Jun 17, 2010, Judgment Affirmed10th Appellate Dist
Alene Adams v. Dr. Doug Baker, M.D./Opthalmic Surgeons & Consultants of Ohio, Inc. et al.
Plaintiff appealed adverse trial court judgment in medical malpractice claim failure to file an Affidavit of Merit
- Jun 4, 2010, Plaintiff VerdictSummit
Defense of medical malpractice claim arising out of bone marrow biopsy
- Jun 4, 2010Summit
Defense of medical malpractice claim arising out of bone marrow biopsy
- May 20, 2010, Favorable OutcomeRichland
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice claim involving issue of diagnosis of lung cancer
- May 4, 2010, Judgment ReversedOhio Supreme Court
Jaques v. Manton 125 Ohio St. 3d 342, 2010-Ohio-1838
We appeal trial court and Court of Appeals’ preclusion of evidence of Plaintiff’s medical bills portion of “write-off”.
- May 4, 2010Medina
Defense of medical malpractice claim
- Apr 29, 2010Cuyahoga
Defense of hospital medical malpractice claim involving failure to diagnosis of Plaintiffs spinal fracture
- Apr 23, 2010Stark
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice claim
- Apr 9, 2010Clinton
Defense of eye surgical medical malpractice
- Apr 8, 2010Ashland
Defense of wrongful death medical malpracitce claim
- Mar 31, 2010Summit
Defense of catastrophic permanent brain damage medical malpractice claim of 26- year old
- Mar 2, 2010, Defense VerdictLorain
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice case following anoxic episode from massive infection
- Feb 12, 2010, Reversed and Remanded6th Appellate Dist
Tausch v. Riverview Health Institute, LLC
Plaintiff appealed adverse trial court judgment in medical malpractice claim by virtue of tolling of the statute of limitations.
- Jan 21, 2010, Reversed and Remanded8th Appellate Dist
Chapman, Admr., etc. v. South Pointe Hospital, et al.
Plaintiff appealed adverse trial court judgment on failure to provide an Affidavit of Merit in medical malpractice case.
- Jan 13, 2010Lorain
Defense of orthopedic medical malpractice claims claiming permanent "foot drop" from medical negligence
- Jan 11, 2010Muskingham
Defense of obstetrical medical malpractice claim
- Dec 2009Scioto
Defense of medical malpractice claim alleging negligent trach tube care, causing anoxia and death.
- Nov 24, 2009Allen
Defense of wrongful death, medical malpractice claim involving cardiac arrest against family practitioner.
- Nov 13, 2009Hancock
Defense of orthopedic surgical malpractice claim.
- Nov 6, 2009Summit
Defense of cerebral palsy birth trauma medical malpractice case.
- Nov 5, 2009Summit
Defense of wrongful death psychiatric medical malpractice claim.
- Oct 9, 2009, Defense VerdictErie
Defense of catastrophic medical negligence claim
- Aug 26, 2009Franklin
Defense of uro-oncology medical malpractice claims
- Aug 8, 2009Summit
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice claim
- Aug 5, 2009, Plaintiff VerdictSummit
Defense of catastrophic medical malpractice claim.
- Jul 28, 2009Hamilton
Defense of wrongful death medical and psychiatric malpractice claim
- Jul 23, 2009Lucas
Defense of obstetrical shoulder dystocia medical malpractice defense
- Jun 29, 2009, Plaintiff VerdictMiami County
Defense of medical malpractice multiple defendants case involving delayed diagnosis of cystic fibrosis.
- May 29, 2009, Plaintiff VerdictCuyahoga
Defense of catastrophic medical malpractice claim
- Apr 23, 2009Franklin
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice claim
- Apr 11, 2009Franklin
Defense of legal malpractice case claiming negligent representation in class action litigation
- Mar 19, 2009Lake
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice claim
- Mar 13, 2009Belmont
Defense of hospital nursing malpractice claim
- Mar 2009Lake County Court, Ohio
Alleged medical negligence/wrongful death case in defense of emergency medicine physicians.
- Feb 11, 2009Cuyahoga
Defense of wrongful death general surgical
- Jan 7, 2009Cuyahoga
Defense of wrongful death medical malpractice claim
- Aug 2008Franklin
Defense of malpractice claim involving lap chole and post-operative infection/management.
- Mar 2008Cuyahoga County Court, Ohio
Defense of orthopedic surgeon in catastrophic medical negligence claim, allegedly leading to the wrongful death of a patient following orthopedic surgery.
- Dec 2007Cuyahoga
Defense of pediatric medical malpractice/emergency medicine claim, alleging negligence arising out of the treatment of a traumatic wound.
- May 2007Montgomery
Defense of claim alleging negligent physical therapy following knee replacement, causing need for 2nd replacement surgery.
- Jul 2006Cuyahoga County Court, Ohio
Defense of hospital malpractice claim.
- Jun 2006Cuyahoga County Court, Ohio
Defense of emergency room doctor in wrongful death medical malpractice claim.
- May 2006Pike County Court of Common Pleas
Defense of family physician in medical malpractice claim
- May 2006Pike County Court of Common Pleas
Defense of medical malpractice claim alleging excessive application of cryosurgery leading to permanent disability.
- May 2006Cuyahoga County Court, Ohio
Defense of gynecologic surgery/medical negligence case.
- May 2006Lake County Court, Ohio
Defense of internist in wrongful death medical malpractice claim.
- Jan 2006, Directed Verdict AffirmedCuyahoga County Court, Ohio
Defense of pulmonology/critical care physician alleging medical negligence and wrongful death arising out of the care and treatment rendered to a patient with lung volume reduction surgery.
- Dec 2005Lorain County Court, Ohio
Defense of emergency medicine physician's assistant in catastrophic medical negligence claim arising out of the treatment of a 40-year old who underwent upper extremity amputation.
- Sep 2005, Motion For Directed Verdict GrantedLake County
Defense of catastrophic medical negligence claim in defense of an internal medicine physician involving a 52-year old stroke victim.
- Sep 1, 2005Mahoning County Court, Ohio
Defense of gynecologic surgerical negligence claim.
- Aug 2005Franklin
Defense of medical malpractice claim alleging that ER services caused a delay in the detection of pneumonia, leading to wrongful death.
- Aug 2004, Directed verdict for the defendantsCuyahoga County
Defense of wrongful death long term care/rehabilitation hospital malpractice case.
- Aug 1, 2004Cuyahoga County Court, Ohio
Negligence claim involving motor vehicle accident.
- Mar 2004Cuyahoga County
Defense of gynecologic surgery/medical negligence case.
- Stark County Court, Ohio
Defense of OB/GYN surgical medical malpractice case.
- Feb 2004Franklin
Defense of medical malpractice claim alleging failure to detect occult renal cancer at the time of removal of lung cancer.
- Aug 2003Cuyahoga County
Negligence claim involving a motor vehicle accident.
- Aug 2003Lake County Court, Ohio
Defense of wrongful death emergency medicine medical malpractice claim against multiple Defendants.
- Jul 2003Cuyahoga County Court, Ohio
Defense of internal medicine physician in wrongful death claim alleging catastrophic injury to an inpatient in the hospital.
- Jul 2003Cuyahoga County Court, Ohio
Defense of hospital nursing negligence purportedly leading to myocardial infarction.
- Nov 2002Mahoning County Court, Ohio
Defense of gynecologic surgical negligence claim.
- Nov 2002Cuyahoga County Court, Ohio
Defense of catastrophic neurosurgical nerve injury case.
- Jun 2002, Dismissed During TrialCuyahoga County Court, Ohio
Defense of wrongful death emergency medicine malpractice case.
- Jun 2002Mahoning County Court, Ohio
Defense of orthopedic surgery/medical negligence claim.
- Jan 2002Lake County Court, Ohio
Defense of surgeon in medical negligence case alleging failure to diagnose and timely treat breast cancer in 40-year-old.
- Dec 2001, Motion For Directed Verdict GrantedCuyahoga County Court, Ohio
Defense of gynecologic surgery/medical negligence case.
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